Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
PE Days are as follows - Autumn Term 2024 (as from Monday 9th September)
Mondays - Reception (Indoor),Year 1 (Indoor), Year 3 (Outdoor), Year 5 (Indoor)
Tuesdays: Year 2 (Indoor), ASD Base, Classes 3AB & 3D (Indoor)
Wednesdays: Nursery, Year 1 (Outdoor)
Year 4 (Outdoor), Year 6 (Indoor)
Thursdays: Year 2 (Outdoor), Year 4 (Indoor), Year 6 (Outdoor)
Fridays: Reception (Indoor), Class 3MB (Indoor)
Mondays - ASD Base
Wednesdays - Year 5
All children in YR, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 will need to come to school wearing their PE kits on their PE days.
PE Uniform
Plain black/navy shorts or joggers
White T-shirt or their school white polo shirt
(Colder months: Navy/Black hoody or school jumper)
School Jumper/Cardigan
Appropriate footwear (trainers/pumps)
NO jewellery should be worn for PE​