Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed

Uniform is available online from County School Wear - please click here to visit the website
All pupils are expected to wear uniform and the help and co-operation of parents is appreciated.
It also encourages togetherness and ownership. We believe this helps to promote a positive ethos and sense of belonging. The children are proud to wear their Gig Mill uniform.
Please note, that there is NO obligation to purchase badged uniform, high-street bought uniform in the school colours listed below is perfectly acceptable.
We always have a selection of pre-loved uniform in school, if you would like to know more about this, please call the school office and ask to speak with Mrs Garratt for a confidential chat.
Required Uniform
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers - Required
White Polo shirt or White shirt
Green sweater, cardigan or sweatshirt - Required
Sensible school shoes - Required
White or grey socks
Green or Grey tights
School Tie (Green with yellow stripe)
PE kit: (For more information regarding PE, please click here)
Plain black/navy shorts
Plain white T- Shirts
Plimsolls, black for indoor PE – with an elastic gusset for the younger children.
Trainers for outside PE Yr 3-6
Plain dark coloured track suit for cold weather​
Colder months: Black/Navy Hoodie or school jumper may be worn
No jewellery is allowed to be worn in school with the exception of a wrist watch. For children with pierced ears one set of plain studs may be worn, but must be removed at home before school on PE days unless children can remove them themselves. Staff are not allowed to remove ear rings.
We recommend that children with long hair have it tied back.
All clothing needs to be clearly marked with the owner’s name. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss, or damage to, individual property.