Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
Keeping Children Safe Online - click for further information and links on keeping your child safe when using the internet.
Thinkuknow - Online Safety Activities
BBC Bitesize - Daily lessons released for Maths and English for all year groups, as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more.
RM Unify - Log in at home using your school login details. This allows them to use any of the programs we have on unify at home - possibilities include Purple Mash, J2e - coding J2code and animation programs (Spotlight), presenting tools and spelling.
Year 3 - suggested timetable and ideas - click here
TT Rockstars - Times Table Practice
White Rose Maths - Home learning activities
I see maths - Live maths lessons for Years 3/ 4 each day (Highly recommended by Mrs Glover)
Maths on the Move - Home Challenge - Activities you can do at home to combine physical
activities and maths together - including Trail sheet
Sumdog - Maths Facts Practice
BBC Bite Size - We have been adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators. You could try some at home.
Maths is fun - Some more examples of fractions
Top Marks - Activities for all Maths Areas
Hit the Button - Quick Fire Maths Facts Game
Transum - Maths Puzzles and Games
Oxford Owl - Fun Maths Games and Activities
Telling the Time to the nearest minute (analogue and digital clocks)
My Mini Maths - Lots of home learning resources, video clips, and mini tasks
Irresistible Learning
BBC - Clips and information linked to the Stone Age
National Geographic Kids - Have a look and learn about Skara Brae, one of Britains most incredible pre-historic villages
BBC - Clips and information linked to rocks and soil
Everything dinosaur - Many of you didn't get chance to make your woolly mammoth - have a try at home, be creative and use whatever you have at home. Complete a stone age project, make a stone age cave out of a shoe box. What will yours look like? What will be inside? You could draw or paint in the style of a cave painting. Can you find a stone in your garden to paint or draw on? Have fun!
Top Marks - English Games
BBC Bitesize - clips linking to spelling of suffix words - ation, ous and fer. You could find out what words have these suffices, you could use a dictionary to check. Investigate what other suffixes you know.
BBC Bitesize - We have looked at possessive apostrophe this half-term. You could try some at home
Storytime online - Online stories, mostly for younger children
Classroom Secrets - Year 3 Reading
Classroom Secrets - Grammar and Punctuation
Classroom Secrets - Spellings
Oxford Owl - Interactive ebooks that you can read through at home
Sumdog - Also now available - Spelling & Grammar
New member sign up - fill it in with an email and create a password.
BBC Schools - Lots of videos and activities for children to use at home on a range of topics
Scratch - Free to use and download coding program
Hour of Code - Coding activities that link to pop culture
Go Noodle - Learning Games and short activities to get children moving
BBC Supermovers - Physical activities linked to Maths and English learning
Cosmic Kids - Yoga
Espresso - Useful for French
WhizzPopBang - Science activities for Year 3
James Dyson Foundation - Challenge Cards for Science Activities