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Week commencing 13th July 2020


Dear Year 3,


Well done everyone we’ve made it to the last week of what would have been the summer term! You have all done so well to get through these uncertain and challenging times. It really is wonderful to see that our Gig Mill values of Perseverance, Creativity and Collaboration have shone through all of us and helped us all to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’. It really is amazing what we have all achieved and now is the time to celebrate this.


Last week we learnt all about what the Romans gave to Britain and the 2Do task on Purple Mash was to write a leaflet. Your teacher will have responded to your work so make sure you check out their response. We hoped you enjoyed learning about the active volcanoes and what happens when they erupt. They are very dangerous but magnificent to watch in the videos!


This week we have our last lessons with Oak Academy for English and Maths and there is a great Maths challenge for you to solve! Make sure you use a method to work out the answer. In our Topic subject we are cooking pizza! Yummy! You can cook a healthy dinner for your family, just add a side salad to your pizza on your plate to make sure you are on track for your 5-a-day of fruit and vegetables. This week we are listening to some songs about the Romans, try to sing along too and decide which is your favourite. Your seeds should be growing well by now or may even be fully grown. If you grew cress you could chop this off now and use it in a salad or a sandwich of your choice. We are going to enjoy some egg and cress sandwiches!  


As always, make sure you get some exercise and fresh air and continue with this over the summer holidays. Try visiting some outdoor areas where you haven’t been before if you can and enjoy the scenery. Remember to keep reading over the summer and maybe you could try to learn something new, a skill or hobby to keep your mind active and enjoy the moment when you have achieved your goals.


All the teachers have loved teaching you this year, both in school and across the internet to you in your homes. We hope you have a great summer holiday and look after each other. You have been amazing!


Until September,


Mrs Priestley, Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke and Mrs Glover.


Week commencing 6th July 2020


Dear Year 3,


We are sailing through July now and you’re all doing so well following the new routines. The weather has cooled a little but at least its dry for us to still get outside and enjoy the fresh air.


We hope you enjoyed learning all about the Roman Gods last week and had a go at completing the 2do task on Purple Mash. Your teacher will respond back to you on your completed task so don’t forget to go back and have a look at their response. How are your seeds growing? Make sure you are recording the growth each day and observing how they change from seeds into shoots. This is our last week to watch them grow and next week we can test our predictions from last week on how fast they have grown. We hope you liked the French song Leon le Chameleon! Even if you just sang along to the colour names, this is still good practice!  


This week we have both English and Maths lessons on the Oak Academy website. Keep up with your reading by doing the summer reading challenge or any books that you enjoy even if you have read them before. A good book can never be read too many times! In Topic this week we are learning all about the wonderful things the Romans gave to Britain and are still with us today. A 2do task has been set on Purple Mash about this. We are also looking at volcanoes in Geography as Italy has three active volcanoes and one of them, Mount Vesuvius, very famously erupted in 79AD and completely destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii.


Make sure you also keep active, look after your well-being and take care of your family too. Just a ten minute walk can freshen up the mind and make you feel better. Keep sending in your photos of all the fabulous things you are doing. Well done for getting this far, we are all very proud of you. And remember to keep smiling!


Until next week,

Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke, Mrs Glover and Mrs Priestley.



Week commencing 29th June 2020


Dear Year 3,


We hope you are all staying safe and well. The summer has arrived and the weather last week was beautiful -we hope you all managed to enjoy it and get some fresh air. The teachers are all busy in school but we miss seeing you all every day!  


Last week saw the start of our fantastic reading challenge ‘The Silly Squad’. Hopefully you have signed up to do it and are enjoying reading some fabulous books! Our Wellbeing theme is quite important at the moment as its about resilience and perseverance which we’ve all had to show in these challenging times. We still have three weeks until what would have been the end of the summer term so we need to keep going! At the beginning of July, things will get a little easier as the lockdown rules ease and we can even go and have our hair cut at the hairdressers and this is something all your teachers are really looking forward to!


Hopefully, you achieved the challenge you set yourself last week and can give yourself a big pat on the back as a reward. Mrs Priestley rewarded herself with a jam doughnut after doing all those star jumps! Yum!


This week for home learning, we are continuing with Maths and English with the Oak Academy lessons. Try and have a go at the Maths challenge to see if you can solve it! We are also learning all about the Roman Gods in our History topic and we have set a 2Do task on Purple Mash for you to complete. We are also starting to plant our seeds this week and we have put some photos on the overview for you to see. In French we have a very popular song with Gig Mill children to learn about colours called Leon the Chameleon, so we hope you enjoy it!


From this week, you will notice in our overviews that where a video is being used from YouTube we are accessing it through SafeYouTube to make sure that the content that you see is always safe and suitable. You will now only see the video that we wish to share via the link on our overview which helps to ensure that we are all keeping safe online.


Remember to take care of yourselves and your family. Continue to do your best with your home learning and remember you can send us pictures of what you have been working on through the email account, just remember to put Y3 in the subject / title. And keep smiling!


Until next week,


Mrs Priestley, Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke and Mrs Glover.



Week commencing 22nd June 2020


Dear Year 3,


Another week has gone by and you’re doing so well! Did you enjoy learning about Boudicca, the fierce warrior, last week? What an awesome lady! And we can’t believe that our local castle in Dudley is an amazing 950 years old! Good luck to anyone who submitted their artwork, photographs or models into the competition to win family tickets. If you haven’t already, don’t worry the deadline is 11/7/20 so you’ve still got plenty of time left to apply.


For this week’s overview we are carrying on with the Oak Academy’s lessons for English and Maths. There is a fantastic reading challenge started this week called ‘The Silly Squad’ and it would be great to see lots of children signing up to do it. This week we are learning about Hadrian’s Wall which is a great stone wall built by the Romans between England and Scotland and is still standing in part today. In Science there’s also an investigation into growing cress which should be really fun. Our Wellbeing theme for the next two weeks is resilience and perseverance and you can set your own challenge to complete over the week. You can do it!


Make sure you get outside and get some fresh air or at least try to keep up some exercise to feel fit and healthy. Remember not to worry if you don’t finish all the activities on the overview but do your best and do as much as you can. You have all used great resilience and perseverance to get through this far and we are all super proud of you.


Until next week,


Mrs Priestley, Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke and Mrs Glover.


Week commencing 15th June 2020


Dear Year 3,

We hope you’ve had a good week. How did you mark World Ocean Day? We hope you watched the video we suggested on the home learning overview and tried to reuse some of your plastic waste at home. Mrs Glover’s eldest son used two empty drinks bottles to make his own jet pack! He was inspired by the recent rocket launch in America.

On the overview this week, we are carrying on with the Oak Academy lessons for Maths and English; ans there are also some challenges for you to try – including a lovely idea of writing to someone you haven’t seen for a while. This could really cheer up someone’s day so we do hope you try it.

We have something a little different for you in the wellbeing section this week. Did you know that Dudley Castle is celebrating its 950th birthday this year? They are running a competition with a super prize – you can find all of the details on the overview.

Do your best to complete as many of the activities as you can, but don’t worry if you don’t manage them all. We know it’s busy at home and it is always important to do chores around the house and get your daily exercise.

Until next week,

Mrs Glover, Mrs Burke, Mrs Trigg and Mrs Priestley.


Week commencing 8th June 2020

Dear Year 3,

We hope that you are all feeling well and keeping busy at home.  We have been keeping active with our families, we have had to be very inventive thinking of different games to play and ways to keep our families entertained.  What have you enjoyed playing at home?  It has been lovely to see the photographs that you have sent in of your work and things that you have all been doing at home, thank you!

For our home learning this week we are continuing to learn about the Romans, we hope that you enjoy learning about the Roman soldiers and why they wanted to invade Britain.  There are also the daily lessons for Oak Academy for Maths and English for you to continue with.  There is a link for a reading extract if you are running out of books to read at home and you could also take a look at Puffin’s Dream Big online festival.

We hope that your French activity went well, there is another one for you to try this week.  As it is also World Ocean Day we hope that you enjoy finding out some information about it, for a challenge we also suggested having a go at making your own mini book.  There is also a link so you can have a go at some Disney Zumba, you could try and teach it to your family. 

We are all missing you still and we hope that you are enjoying the choice of home learning activities.  Remember to try your best and do whatever fits in with you and your family, don’t worry if you don’t get everything completed.  We know how different it is to work from home and we all need regular breaks and exercise to help with our concentration levels. 

Keeping smiling and take care,

Mrs Burke, Mrs Glover. Mrs Trigg and Mrs Priestley



Week commencing 1st June 2020


Dear Year 3,

We hope you all had a great half term holiday. What did you get up to? We hope you managed to spend some time outdoors. We’ve had some lovely weather recently and we have all been trying to go for walks and bike rides with our own families.

How did the sports day activities go? We hope you didn’t get too competitive! We would love to see some of the things you have been doing. Remember to email us on, putting Y3 in the subject box. Thank you to those of you have already done so. It really does brighten up our day to receive a message from you!

This week we are continuing with the Oak Academy lessons in Maths and English. There are some great challenges for you to try too. If you have a go at the reading challenge, why not see if you can find an unusual spot to do your daily reading in? We’d love to see some funny photos! Maybe you could read your book under the stairs? Hiding in the shed? Whilst balancing on one leg?

In your topic lessons this week you’ll see there is a Music activity for you to try. We hope you enjoy it! Mrs Priestley has also set you a French activity as we know how much you were all enjoying French at school. Maybe you could teach your family some French too?

As always, remember to do your best with the activities and don’t worry if you can’t complete them all. Continue to find time to be with your family and help out around the house too!

Take care,

Mrs Burke, Mrs Glover, Mrs Trigg and Mrs Priestley.


Week commencing 18th May 2020


Hello Year 3! 

We hope you are well and are enjoying time with your families. Hopefully you are having fun completing the activities each week. Remember you can send any pictures or examples of your work in to school at  (please put Y3 in the email title/subject). We love seeing all the exciting things you’re up to.  


Did you get your letters from your teacher last week? We each wrote a letter to our class. Make sure you read it if you haven’t already.  


This week we would like you to continue with the Oak Academy lessons for Maths and English. There are some challenges in both subjects to try as well. We are continuing with our Italian Adventure and in the IL lessons you will be getting creative learning about and designing your own mosaics. In Science we are carrying on with the Plants topic with a look at why bees are attracted to flowers. Try your best at these but don’t worry if you don’t complete all of the activities. Make sure you still have time to play and spend time with your family. 


Have a good week and stay safe. We are really missing you. 


Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke, Mrs Priestley and Mrs Glover. 




Week commencing 11th May 2020


Hello Year 3! 

We hope you are still managing to stay safe and look after yourselves and your families. We miss you all and hope to see you very soon. We have had some lovely emails telling us all about the fabulous things you are getting up to and lots of pictures attached to show this too. If you haven’t emailed already, remember you can just drop us an email at (Please put Y3 in the email title/subject) we really enjoy reading these and seeing that you are well. 

This week in home learning we would like you to carry on with the (week 4) lessons on Oak Academy for English and Maths and if you have some extra time you might like to have a go at the challenges. In our IL Topic we are focusing on the Romans and how they lived and in Science we are carrying on with our topic of plants. Just try your best and try to complete as many of the activities as you can- but don’t worry if you don’t do all of them.  


We are all thinking of you and can’t wait to see you. 


Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke, Mrs Priestley and Mrs Glover. 




Week Commencing 4th May 2020


Good morning Year 3! 


We hope that you had a good time completing the activities we set you last week. Don’t worry if you didn’t get to complete them all. Just do your best and do what you can. Remember to make time to be with your family and learn new life skills too. We hope you are helping out with the cooking, cleaning and gardening at home! 


This week we would like you to carry on with the Oak Academy lessons for Maths and English. There are also some extra challenges for you to try. For our topic lessons, you will be finding out about Italy and also creating some art work. We’d love to see your masterpieces – remember you could email us a photo to (Please put Y3 in the email title/subject) 


Have you looked at the special video message we created on the school website? Take a look if you haven’t already. You should be able to spot your Year 3 teachers!  Also, we’re sure you are spending more time online at the moment, so do make sure you are always staying safe online. There’s lots of resources on Purple Mash to remind you about this. 


This week, we'd also like to invite you and your family to join in the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which is happening on Friday 8th May. Please click on the link on the school website homepage or here.  


Have a great week and keep trying your best. We’re really proud of you all, 


Mrs Trigg, Mrs Burke, Mrs Priestley and Mrs Glover.  




Week Commencing 27th April 2020


Hello Year Three, 

We all hope that you are keeping safe and well with your families. 

We have all been keeping busy at home and we have really missed seeing you at school. 

We have all helped to plan some work for you for this week. There are some activities linked to our new topic Italian Adventure, which we hope you will enjoy. There are also lessons and activities for other subjects for you to complete. Just try your best and make it fit in with you and your family. Some of you might prefer to do a few activities and we know others will want to complete them all. 

Remember to keep smiling and have fun with your family.

From Mrs Trigg, Mrs Priestley, Mrs Glover and Mrs Burke  


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